In the Telegram, voice chats can be saved as podcasts

Posted on March 22, 2021

Voice chats have been updated in the new version of the Telegram messenger. They can now be created in feeds and saved as podcasts.

Voice chat in Telegram channel
Voice chat in Telegram channel

The number of listeners in channels and public groups is not limited. Their biographies appeared in the list of participants. Listeners can raise their hand to participate in the discussion, and speakers can connect to the chat on behalf of their channels.

Admins of channels and public groups can now host voice chats for millions of live listeners. No matter how popular your talk gets, new people will be able to tune in. It’s like public radio reinvented for the 21st century.

To start a Voice Chat, open the profile of any group or channel where you’re an admin, tap (⋮) or (⋯) and select > Start Voice Chat.

Admins can now record audio from voice chats to save talks and publish them for followers who missed the live event.

In addition, admins of public groups and channels can now create invite links that open the voice chat right away. Separate links can be made for speakers and listeners. This way you won’t need to unmute important guests when they join – and they can use a different link to promote the upcoming chat to their communities.

You can also choose a name for the voice chat to indicate the topic of discussion for new participants.

Finally, Pavel Durov announced the appearance in the Telegram this spring of the possibility of launching video broadcasts.

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